What type of thoughts do you have throughout the day? Are you ruminating, rationalizing, letting the monkey run amok? How much time do you spend in intentional, focused thought?
How much time in a day, week, or year do you spend really thinking? Most people assume that they are “thinking” all the time, because they are processing information and making decisions throughout the day. However, this rarely produces “quality” thoughts. I mean, come on—are we really thinking when we are watching TV? What about when preparing for a presentation or writing a detailed proposal – that’s a lot harder and we have to think for that, right? Partly. What I mean by thinking here is the ability to expend thought-energy which is completely focused toward something, intentionally. It seems as though with each passing year in our highly distracted culture, this is harder and harder!
The key is in the intentional focus.
Most people are focused on what they DON'T want, if they focus at all! Try the Art of Thinking:
Generally, people go about trying to change their results by acting on what they see in their circumstances (applying energy externally). Usually they are frustrated because they aren’t seeing the changes they want. The shift is to apply some energy internally. To “look within” for direction…before action…
Anyone can change their future results by applying the Art of Thinking.
Nope- It’s not difficult, it’s certainly not hard (with a little practice), and it’s free. A short session of focus time a day will set you apart from your competition (more time is great if you get to that point). It may be hard to believe, but just 10 minutes a day will help you bring about positive results in any area of your life, business, or relationships.
Overall, it’s simply about 1)learning how to have the discipline to focus your mind intentionally and 2)giving yourself the opportunity to allow creative solutions to formulate in your mind. (And then you act. Quickly. Seize the day! )
Try it now: Go into “Do Not Disturb” mode, get comfortable, set a timer for 10 minutes and focus on achieving your most meaningful goal… It can help to ask “How can I?” When you get distracted, just come back to it. Keep practicing. It won’t be long ’til you hit a EUREKA moment!
Share with me your RESULTS from using this: I want to hear from you in the comments!

So now you have a cure for feeling consistently distracted and frustrated by not being able to focus on how to get those amazing results you seek.