Kick Procrastination to the Curb

Is it Time to End Your Crappy Relationship With Procrastination? 

You complain about it, you get frustrated with it, you don't want to keep coming back to it, and sometimes you hate yourself for falling for it again! It is time to learn the quickest and easiest ways to break off your relationship with procrastination so you can move on!!

What is really going on with procrastination?

Surprise!  Your problems with procrastination aren't that big of a deal.  You're not alone, and you can change it! Let's dive in and see what's going on under the surface, and then IF YOU WANT TO, you'll know what to do to take control.

What does it look like?

Here are some examples from clients and colleagues.  Maybe you can relate.

  • You need to make a phone call, but the timing never seems quite right, so you've been putting it off...
  • You need to read through details, make a decision, and follow-up with someone - but it feels like it will take too much time and focus so it keeps getting pushed...
  • You keep saying you're going to do that project, and your excuses are starting to sound like a broken record...
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    You really want to feel great after making those sales calls, but other work seems to creep in and take up all the time you allotted to Sales. Again.
Why do we procrastinate?

For many, procrastinating only occurs when they don't want to do the "task" at all, but have you ever wondered why (why, oh why!?) you sometimes procrastinate doing things you want to do, or tasks that will benefit you or lead to your success?  Here are some causes I've identified.  Which of these have you experienced?

  • You may be TIRED or OVERWHELMED - The idea of adding something more to your plate, or having the energy to complete a task basically shuts you down...
  • You may be experiencing RESISTANCE or SABOTAGE due to FEAR - Of course we know what's going on when we're afraid to fail and we feel stuck, but often people who have experienced milestones of success are more afraid of success than fear (See related post Your Fear of Having it All)
  • You lack a supportive STRUCTURE - You may not yet have set up habits, routines, or easy tools that work with you and your own lifestyle and energy flow.  Changing habits isn't always easy, but most people never intentionally design a structure of support that is customized to them.  Instead, they are frustrated when they try "magic fixes" that don't work or try to adopt a system that is too detailed or rigid, or not specific enough, etc... Trying to use what works for someone else might be working against your innate nature - this is a bit like attempting to jam a square peg into a round hole and being mad at the peg!  (You might love the fully custom Perfect Week template.)
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    You lack enough CLARITY - Let's face it: you cannot take quick action on something that is not a clear task.  Avoid giving yourself "project" items on your to-do list versus more specific "task" items.  Be sure that each to-do on your list is specific enough to complete without having to break it down further or define it before real action can be taken.  It make sense, right?  It it feels to fuzzy or big to tackle in more than one sitting, you will be more likely to avoid getting it done...  (Check out my Facebook LIVE on this here.)

Tired of procrastinating that thing? Find out which of these is likely to be causing you to put it off, and how to fix it.

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What to do about it:

1. Have a short list of go-to's for when you need Quick Action to move forward.  Keep it handy!  Try my Procrastination Cutter free worksheet.

2. When you're ready to explore breaking up with procrastination forever, take about 20 minutes to get to the root of the issue.  You can self-assess by asking a short series of questions (such as based on the causes listed above).  It could be a once-and-done situation or it could take you some time...either way, you will be better off for making this effort.  (If you're not convinced your self assessment will be fully effective, you could schedule a 20-minute "block-busting" call with me here.)

3. Now that you feel better from taking action and have an understanding of why you've been prone to procrastinating, it's time to decide your next steps and how to proceed over time.  For instance, you could check in weekly as to what's going on with your workload, focus skills, and fears.  You might also take 5 minutes each time procrastination show us to assess the cause and what you can do about it.  Take control and enjoy the results!

Regardless of whether your challenges are coming from Time, Focus, or Fear, you don't have to suffer from procrastination frustration and guilt anymore!!  

PS- You might also love the time-saving checklist 24 Ways to Save 24 Hours a Week!

In the spirit of love and moxie,

Have you listened to the podcast yet?

July 26, 2018