Teri Whittington and Heather Legge of Envision Success Inc share ideas, experiences, and inspiration for integrating DISC along with other assessments, programs, and initiatives in business.
This episode continues our conversation about the broad applications and priceless awareness that DISC assessments offer for individuals, teams, and departments across various parts of organizations.
Far from being the latest dud idea, or "flavor of the month." that senior leadership announced for improving business, DISC gives us each the gift of awareness -- of our own individual nature as well as of other people around us.
It is truly a model for human behavior and a POWERFUL tool for improving relationships, conversations, and increases everyone's chances for success (professionally and personally). The individual assessments and team reports show us our own unique combination of communication or leadership style, and how other people or departments see us. This brings awareness of how we are showing up in the world and how we relate to others.
DISC results can also show us why some people on our teams are more exhausted by their work roles and expectations while others thrive on challenges or social interactions. While we are all capable of flexing and stretching into activities that take more energy from us, this awareness as individuals and teams can be priceless for avoiding burnout!
In addition, we discuss how DISC integrates very easily with many other tools to develop people in business, including Working Genius (Teri shares her own personal ah-has).
There are many versions of DISC assessments. At Envision Success Inc, we use 2 popular options with clients. Learn more about Teri Whittington's blog series on the languages of communication, relationships, and leadership, download a sample of DISC assessment results, or contact us with any questions or requests.
Mentioned in this episode: The DISC Model of Human Behavior
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