Are you protecting your "piece" and your peace?
I was inspired during a Peloton Reggaeton ride with instructor Camila Ramon to share some ideas on how to protect your own boundaries, to take control of the energy that you are surrounded with- for your own sake and also for those you love!
The concept of MOXIE is never far from my mind, and if you're familiar with my book Lead With Moxie, you already know my story, but recently I've been working on my signature talk and prepping to pitch for a Ted Talk on how to ignite your moxie. I've been considering using the term "M-Factor" in case moxie doesn't resonate with you -- but whatever you call it, essentially it is the courage to be your true self, unapologetically.
This includes knowing how to protect your own energy and maintaining your chosen attitude, even in the face of difficult people or situations.
In those moments when life feels hard...
Sometimes as you're going through your day, things can threaten your sense of peace or feeling of being in control. It happens to the best of us. As we grow and develop our ability to handle the chaos and difficulties with grace, what counts is how frequently we are thrown off track, and how quickly we bounce back. With practice, we notice over time that we are derailed less often AND we back so quickly it hardly makes a wave.
One of my favorite practices is to create a morning bookend to your day (and an evening bookend if you can).
Your morning bookend is a routine that you can do pretty much every day to ensure that you include some of the things that help you be your best. Doing them first thing prevents them being overrun by the chaos, rushing, or distraction that can suck up the rest of your day. My ideal morning includes fitness and meditation. Frankly, I function better when I start my day with both of those things... Everyone is different, however. What morning practice(s) help you be at your best?
Same thing with an evening bookend; it's a way to incorporate a routine that winds you down into a calm, grateful state, ready for bed and ready for the next day...
Remember that you control your own expectations and your own joy!
If you're like me (a Recovering Perfectionist), or another variation of someone with high expectations, the pressure to be *the best* possible all the time is EXHAUSTING and also stirs up some rebellious destructive behavior from time to time. Even if you don't have perfectionism issues or plagued by feelings of pressure, it's a great idea to gain perspective on what you can control.
One of the best ways to crush your spirit is to compare yourself (to your own too-high measuring stick or to a made-up ideal, or ideas and assumptions about other people's situation). Just...STOP.
You want to feel more joy? Great. Think of something that makes you happy. Right now. Really let yourself feel the happiness vibes. Express it in some way. Smile!
One of my favorite sayings is:
What other people think of me is none of my business.
Worrying about what other people think is a waste of time, a thief of joy, and a sieve for your vital creative energy...
Light yourself up and do your thing.
Don't worry about what everyone is doing, or thinking, or saying.
Ignite your moxie and be your best version of YOU!
Want more inspiration? If you need a framework or guidance on how to achieve success and create work/life harmony, I've got you covered...