There are better ways to get more done in less time, including productivity tools & apps made for your specific challenges. Here are some thoughts on how to choose your BEST options...
You want the best productivity tools so you can SAVE TIME.
If you're looking for a list of productivity apps and other tools, some candid reviews, and some sweet offers for new signups, this post isn't it. I am going to include some of those posts below. But wait -before you bail on me- let me share how reading this post first can save you a ton of time & energy (and money).
For now, let me help save you from yourself. Before you go spending hours looking for that next perfect app, reading various recommendations for Best Productivity Tools, perusing solutions and reviews, and taking advantage of affiliate links and free trials...
***Ask yourself candidly how this will actually help you stay focused on the tasks that matter, and be more effective with your time. Or is it just another way to avoid something you don't feel like doing?
Think you need a new productivity app? There is no bigger waste of time than fixing something that isn't broken. First, acknowledge what's already working.
State the "problem" accurately.
What is the ACTUAL challenge you're facing?
Maybe you feel like you can't focus? Or the next task on your list feels overwhelming? Too tired? Not sure what to tackle next? We are all affected by these at some point during work time... Go deeper to start exploring what can be fixed with an app, or something else.
Whether you determine that something is truly missing from your professional tools, or your workflow or personal habits are causing the problem, it's time to see what type of solution is your best bet.
State your problem as basically as possible.
Instead of "I am always frazzled on Mondays" or "I can never find what I need in my email" or "I work too many hours" try to identify one specific cause at a time for why you are not as effective as you'd like to be.
Try asking "What is the cause of this?" until you've reached the roots of the issue.
Perhaps "I am always frazzled on Mondays" might lead through "I forget where I left off Friday," "I can't remember what needs to be done," or "I don't focus well when I feel too overwhelmed," and "because I don't plan my week ahead" to something like "I'm wasting time not knowing what to work on and it frustrates me because I already feel rushed."
Now that you're more clear on what to address, let's figure out your next steps.
Consider your unmet needs.
What is missing? Why are you experiencing the problem that you identified?
In our example, you might come up with something like: "I need a way to note work tasks assigned to dates and projects, with reminders, and a way to sort them so I can see everything clearly when I feel unorganized or frazzled"
You'll also need to assess how often you need this "solution" working for you. In this case probably daily or weekly, or possible even continuously throughout your day.
Assess what is already working well.
There is no bigger waste of time than fixing something that isn't broken! Note what solutions... apps, tools, & habits you already have that meet your needs.
In our stated problem above, you might realize that a paper notebook has worked really well for organizing your work. You also used to like a note app on your phone. But maybe you didn't stick with it.
- Decide what you like about what you already have access to, or are familiar with: _____________
- Then ask if/how it fails to meet your needs: _____________________________________________________
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Take a look at your processes and habits.
Walk yourself through the typical scenario and which steps happen when...then explore alternatives that could work better for you, based on what you already know about your unique lifestyle and energy levels.
You may realize that when you expect yourself to be doing 4 things at once, nothing gets done. Or that planning Monday morning's top tasks Friday afternoon would only work if you moved something off Friday's schedule. Or that working out Monday morning would help you feel more focused, but realistically you'd need to come in 30 minutes later (which could be fine).
Determine if you have the information needed to make good decisions.
What is missing, if anything? Which are the easiest, fastest options to get the info you need, when you need it?
For example: Do you need a printed list of tasks by due date? A calendar for every project? Searchable by tags? Or something simpler? Make a list of these as additional "requirements" for your solution.
Decide what YOUR best productivity solution is for right now, and take action now.
Choose your best combination of tools and habits and start using the solution immediately.
My advice is to not overthink the implementation. Strive for speed and simplicity so that you experience results quickly. Then tweak things as you go.
To solve our earlier problem, I use a combo of Asana, a paper weekly planner, and Google Calendar with reminders. Many times, I have initiated more complicated tools that took too much time to set up, learn, and find my needed info. They ended up being more of a hassle than I felt they were worth. Can you relate?
But what about that lingering niggling that the perfect app is still out there and you're "settling" for something not as good?
Trust me; it's not. Perfect, that is.
Don't get me wrong. I love apps too! I can get seriously geeky about anything that pairs technology with productivity!! BUT- there is no perfect tool that magically reverses all your bad habits and completes your work backlog for you. Any new solution requires your time and effort to set up and use. So please don't just buy the first thing that seems like a good idea. Ask yourself those priceless questions FIRST.
Yes, of course it is interesting to learn what else is out there! It's fun to see what others have invented and brought to market! It is compelling to hear what is working for others. Just be cautious you don't get sucked into the vortex of things you don't need stealing your precious time & energy...
Beware of repeating the fable of the perfect productivity tool: it pulled you away from getting shit done for several hours while you got mired in the reviews, looked at a number of options, signed up, set it all up, and realized later that it didn't actually do everything you'd hoped. While you DID learn a few more things, you maybe validated some things about your work habits the long way round, and then eventually settled down to complete those tasks that were waiting for your attention...
Not always, but SOMETIMES, it's better to stick with what you already have and stop procrastinating getting your work done by looking for something easier (or more shiny).
What now?
__ How could this help you?
__ What are you willing to do to experience real improvement?
__ What’s your next step?
How can I help you be more effective with your time?
Here's to your success,
PS- did you think I forgot to include those lists? Nope! These are just some posts I enjoyed when I was researching options for a client. I do not have a connection to any of these authors, I'm just sharing in the spirit of helpfulness:
What is this post about? Before you go spending hours looking for that next perfect app, reading various recommendations for Best Productivity Tools, perusing solutions and reviews, or taking advantage of affiliate links and free trials: Ask yourself candidly how this will actually help you stay focused on the tasks that matter, and be more effective with your time. Or is it just another way to avoid something you don’t feel like doing? #EnvisionSuccess