Quit Over-Apologizing!

Do you catch yourself saying “I’m sorry” throughout the day for little things?

Please stop over-apologizing.

I see this sort of epidemic of people (especially many women) apologizing far too much!  Almost every time I hear someone say “I’m sorry,” there was nothing to apologize for.  It’s more of a habit we’ve been conditioned into.  (Ugh, I hate to admit it but I just caught myself doing it this morning.)

If you did something wrong, then please apologize.  Please do so appropriately, professionally, and courteously.

But if you are, say, running late for a meeting and you apologize three times or fifteen times, it’s a little bit obnoxiously annoying to everyone.  In some cases, the infinite “I’m sorry, sorry, sorry…” implies a person is apologetic for even being alive.

Let’s fix this! My suggestions:

  1. Notice how often you say “I’m sorry,” and for what.
  2. Change your verbiage. Perhaps, instead of saying “Sorry” for bumping into a person, try “Excuse me.”  Yes, it’s just semantics—yet somehow it feels less inferior in context.

Please, I implore you to feel strong and empowered as a human being, and to stop over-apologizing!  

Almost every time I hear someone say “I’m sorry,” there was nothing to apologize for.

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November 1, 2016